Industry Voice

Direct Access to the Regulators

One thing that really sets the SPBA apart from other professional associations? Our relationships with government regulators. Considered a non-partisan “think tank” of sorts, we have a unique credibility with policy shapers and reg writers. This is mainly because we have grown to become the association with the largest and broadest perspective on TPAs and employee benefits. Not only does the SPBA have a direct, candid connection with the regulators, but our members do, too. Several agencies are represented at our annual Spring meetings where members are encouraged to give their real-world perspective on employee benefit rules and regulations.

Successfully Shaping Policy

In making these connections, SPBA has been able to help shape many rules right from the get-go, and in turn, avoid any unworkable requirements. Some of the issues the SPBA team and its members have weighed in on:

  • Excise Tax on High Cost Health Coverage
  • EEOC Wellness Rules
  • NAIC Activity on Stop-Loss
  • PCORI Compliance Chart
  • Reporting on W-2 Health Care Value
  • Claims and Appeals/External Review
  • Employer/Plan Reporting
  • Hospital Pricing Transparency
  • New Fees on Group Health Plans
  • Uniform Benefits Summary
  • Essential Health Benefits Definition
  • Taxing Benefits/Deficit Negotiations
  • Self-Funding and Stop-Loss
  • Government Attempts to Treat TPAs as the Plan Sponsor