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Member Policy

Dear SPBA Member TPAs & Stop-Loss Service Partners,

THIS WEBSITE IS A PRIVATE RESOURCE ONLY FOR YOU. Please treat it as the proprietary business resource that it is. Please restrict access only to your employees. Attorneys, clients, brokers, consultants, and others could misunderstand or misapply some of the materials herein to embarrass you or make you look illegal or incompetent. Thus, you are free to print out copies of any materials which you think are useful to outsiders, but KEEP THE ACCESS TO THE WEBSITE A SECRET WITHIN YOUR FIRM.

This is designed to be a ready reference library any time any day to give background to you and provide "something in writing" to show clients, brokers, etc. why you are saying or doing as you do. Keep in mind that there is nothing magical and certainly nothing to be considered legal advice on this website, but we have tried to give straightforward explanations of some pretty complex concepts in your work. Many TPAs also use this website as a training tool. If a new matter how high or low...reads through these pieces, it will put that employee on the fast track to help your clients (and avoid some nasty problems with the authorities).

SPBA has created a public website in addition to this members-only website. The public website has nowhere near as detailed or delicate information. However, it does have things such as the useful "Everything You Wanted to Know About TPAs, But Were Afraid to Ask.” So, if you want to refer outsiders to a website to understand the TPA industry or SPBA, please refer them to the public website.

MEANWHILE, PLEASE REVIEW THIS WHOLE WEBSITE SO THAT YOU WILL KNOW WHAT IS AVAILABLE TO YOU. We find that most questions and crises could be avoided if the member had been aware of what was already available on your desk computer.

Thank you for your enthusiasm & support of SPBA. It is YOUR association.