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SPBA 2023 Member Directory of TPAs of Employee Benefit Plans, Stop Loss & Service Partners

The 2023 Directory of TPAs contains the types of information most frequently requested by TPAs to evaluate their place in the industry and requested by non-TPAs seeking to understand and research the TPA business. The Directory lists 142 TPA firms (some of which operate under as many as 20 names in different parts of the marketplace). These listed firms manage the employee benefits of about 55% of all U.S. workers.

TPAs provide professional benefit plan design and administration for every size and type of employment, including: large corporations, small business, union, multi-employer, state and local employees, association-sponsored plans, religious groups, and every industry and profession.  Most of the TPAs listed administer self-funded plans and many also administer fully insured plans

There is no definitive number of TPAs. It depends on how the term "TPA" is used, and ranges anywhere from 400 to wild guesses. The SPBA TPA Directory (and SPBA's membership eligibility) include what might be considered "true" TPAs. SPBA member TPAs must derive at least 50% of their income from TPA services and they must be independent at the Board level. (Independence is an often-overlooked ERISA fiduciary legal consideration.) As noted, the listed TPA firms cover about 55% of all U.S. workers which is the lion's share of the TPA market.  All of the TPAs listed provide services to health plans. 

What's in the listing?

  • Name & address of firm + a contact person & phone number. There is then an easy-to-read chart beside each name (going across the page) with 34 characteristics of the firm. These include:
  • Geographic regions served.
  • Types of plans served (Single employer, Taft-Hartley, MEWA/Association, Government Sponsored, Church/Religious, Dental/Vision, Fully Insured).  (The TPA acts for the insurance company)
  • Types of services (COBRA, HSA/HRA/CDHP, HIPAA Compliance, Section 125/Debit Cards, Wellness, Disease Management, Utilization Review, Govt. Reporting, Employee Communication and Education, Proprietary PPO, Long Term Disability, Predictive Modeling, Consulting, Proprietary PBM, Defined Benefit Pensions, HR/Personnel Services, Workers Compensation, Defined Contribution (401 K).

The 2023 SPBA Member Directory is  available in two formats:  pdf and a downloadable Excel version.

The pdf version is $1,100.00 and the Excel version is $1,750.00.  If you have any questions, please call the SPBA office at (301) 718-7722 or e-mail the office at:

Shortly after SPBA receives confirmation of payment, the format of your choice will be e-mailed to you by the SPBA staff.

(The SPBA Member Directory is available to SPBA Members at no charge on the SPBA Member Website)


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