TPA Members
For TPA members, SPBA annual dues are based on firm size as calculated by revenue. SPBA encourages that all TPAs assign individual "contacts" to receive email alerts and have access to the member-only website. We recommend that they represent all different business functions (senior management, marketing, claims processing, etc.) and branch locations. This helps maximize the value of your membership.
(SPBA 2025 TPA Dues Structure)
SPBA 2025 TPA Application Form
Stop-Loss Partner Members
Regardless of firm size, Stop-Loss Service Partners are currently charged an annual rate of $6,050.00 and are allowed up to five contacts.
SPBA 2025 Stop-Loss Application Form
Service Partner Members
Regardless of firm size, Service Partners are currently charged an annual rate of $6,050.00 and are allowed up to five contacts.
SPBA 2025 Service Partner Application Form
Keeping Your Business Informed & Moving Forward
"We have always depended upon the SPBA to keep us in compliance with all of the government laws, rules and regulations. Since COVID-19, the SPBA has gone above and beyond to keep us informed as to what's going on and what we need to address going forward. The free webinars are a great help to me and our staff. I truly appreciate all of your help and guidance."
Ronald Walter CLU, ChFC
Professional Benefit Administrators, Inc